When one goes through a catalytic heart awakening and has no way of understanding what is happening to them, many goes in search of answers. Those answers most often come from outside ourselves in the form of articles, astrology, psychics, tarot, oracles, etc. Eventually we seek our answers within and many of us have turned to learning how to use intuitive divination tools to get our answers. My guest Kimberley Fisher, who goes by the name of Aria, travelled on this path to intuitive divination and found a mission that burns within her. She is developing intuitive divination decks and an app that will be helpful for others who wish to read their own situations. We walk through Aria’s path coming from an asleep devote Christian background to awakening to her own gifts, skills, talents and abilities. Join us in our cozy conversation about finding the answers within!

If you are interested in backing Aria in her iN2IT Nuance Oracle Kickstarter program: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/in2it/in2it-lenuance-oracle