by AdminATB | Mar 25, 2019 | Creative Expression, Divine Calling, Self Love, Self-Care, Spiritual Mission
The whole of March was an incredible time of expansion for most of us. There were a large number of people who were focused more on inner expansion and overcoming their old programming from an inner honoring standpoint, while others have been focused on expansion of...
by Debbie DuBois | Jan 27, 2018 | ascension, Awakening, Creative Expression, Healing, Spiritual Mission, Twin Souls/Twin Flames
One often hears the saying “the highway to hell is paved with good intentions.” When one tunes in with their higher aspects, this saying begins to make more sense. There are belief systems here on the planet that people need to be rescued or saved. And, it is apparent...
by Debbie DuBois | Jan 3, 2018 | ascension, Awakening, Creative Expression, Poetry
IMPORTANT INVOCATION FOR THE NEW YEAR 2018! Written by my Heart Center, I share this Invocation with you for unconditional love. <3 And through the LOVE I feel and extend, May All be Blessed <3 Say or share this with your Beloved and All who you hold dear! Your...
by Debbie DuBois | Dec 17, 2017 | ascension, authentic self, Awakening, Creative Expression, Letting Go, Spiritual Mission, Unattaching
Many times I have ideas about what I am going to write about. Right now, I have a list of a fifty things I’d like to write about. But as things would have it, when you follow your highest excitement and passion, you have to be willing to let it all go and say...
by AdminTSU | Oct 6, 2017 | Creative Expression, Self Love, Spiritual Mission, Twin Souls/Twin Flames
Everyone comes in with a creative expression that is the foundation for spiritual mission. The number of spiritual missions are as varied as the number of souls on the planet. The reason there are so many different kinds of spiritual missions is that we are all “One,”...
by Debbie DuBois | Nov 5, 2016 | Awakening, Creative Expression, Divine Calling, Self Love, Spiritual Mission, Twin Souls/Twin Flames
So you have done a good bit of clearing of counter-productive programs. How can you tell that is so? You experience fewer triggers. When you are triggered, it doesn’t take you long to get back to center because you have learned how to “let go” easily. Once you’ve...